Today, it is “Guru Poornima” day !
This day belongs to “ADI GURU” – Sri Veda Vyasa !
This day belongs to showing GRATITUDE..
to all The GURUS in our Life.

This day belongs to all those Persons in our LIFE
who have assisted us in our Evolution as a SOUL.

This day belongs to expressing our gratitude
to all important persons in our life..

..starting with MOTHER
..going on to FATHER, our senior family members, our teachers in the school, our montors in the College/University.. our peers who inspired us.. out GUIDES in various fields of
Arts/Sports/Crafts/Games. our older generation.. our spiritual guides/gurus
and finally to our REAL GURU.. “BREATH”.. !

On This day we remember all GURUS OF PAST
..we remember all MASTERS INVISIBLE

We pay gratitude to the whole WHITE BROTHERHOOD !

~ S.Patri